Of fasting in the holy month pleasure experienced by the insured on a spiritual level and family, and of course many of the pregnant women seeking to maintain the habit of fasting and that she was pregnant and so out of faith and asking for blessing for her and her unborn child. However, fasting in the first and last months it is considered sensitive Is recommended? Tabaana to identify the symptoms of fasting pregnant and make sure if you should fast a Ochehrk in the first and last or not.

Fasting pregnant Problems
- Feeling unwell because of food shortages and as a result of the lack of glucose in the blood, and this addresses diligence on breakfast and brunch, suhoor because it dealt with the last meal before Alsam pregnant.
- Lack of fluid in the body and this adds to the fatigue and lack of urine output and kidney complications, and deal with this issue more frequent fluid between breakfast and suhoor.
- Nausea and vomiting, especially in the first months of pregnancy, and advises pregnant in the first and last months not to fast because of the severe impact of fasting on pregnancy in this period.
Tips for pregnant
- Holder can to fast after the first three months of pregnancy and stop fasting in recent months.
- It should not be fasting in the first months of pregnancy because of the feeling of nausea and vomiting pregnant and the difficulty of digestion and fatigue.
- It may not be for a pregnant woman to fast if there were complications with the pregnancy, such as sugar, pressure and endocrine diseases and kidney disease.
- It may not be for a pregnant woman to fast if they are suffering from digestive problems or kidney problems or weakness in the growth of the fetus.
- It may not be fast in the last months of pregnancy, due to severe pressure on the stomach and digestive system of the uterus, as well as the state of fatigue associated with the eighth and ninth months, especially severe indigestion and acidity and uterine contractions.

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